Heretic is based on the DOOM & DOOM2
engine and is structured like DOOM. There are now Yellow, Blue, & Green
Keys and added adventure game like selections with the [] keys to run through
an inventory of items you pick up that include wings (Enter key to select
them and go up). The command line parameters are much the same, but the
active keys (Cheat keys) have changed. If you try to use the old cheat
codes it will say Cheater and drop you out!
It is using the old DOOM Level
system M1 (MAP1) through M9 for each of 3 Episodes of E1 through E3.
the same SET DMXOPTION=-opl3 or for headphones
your AUTOEXEC.BAT will get you stereo sound if available (SBPRO and better
The better weapons (Save Morph Ovum) and monsters appear starting
on Episode 2 (Registered version). It is available on CDROM (which is how
I got it).
Controls Added to DOOM: Weapons:
Page Down Look Up 1 Staff/Gauntlets
End Look Forward 2 Elvenwand
Delete Look Down 3 Ethereal Crossbow *E1M1 (above)
Page Up Fly Up 4 Dragon Claw *E1M2 (below)
Insert Fly down 5 Hellstaff *Episode 2+
Home Drop 6 Phoenix Rod *Episode 2+
Backspace Tome Of Power
Shift Enter skip Inventory
[ Inventory left
] Inventory right
Enter Select/Use
Weapons are:
Staff/Gauntlets (Steel Gloves) deliver an electrical attack. When powered-up
they suck enemies life to yours!
Ethereal Crossbow
Dragon Claw Below with inventory items
Phoenix Rod
Items are:
Vital +10 Life points used when you pick them up (Blue test tubes)
Quartz Flask +25 Life points when used (Purple Bottle)
Mystic Urn Full Life (Urn with Ankh on it)
Shield +100 Armor (Silver Shield)
Torch Brightens your view
Map Scroll A map of the entire area - including hidden locations
Bag of Holding Increases your inventory
Shadowsphere makes you invisible and invulnerable to man-made weapons
(Green mask)
Tyketto's Tome Of Power increases the power of your weapons (book)
or "powers them up"
Valador's Ring of Invulnerability aka GOD MODE (gold ring w/pearl)
Inhilicon's Wings of Wrath lets you fly
Darchala's Chaos Device Teleports you to start of level
Torpol's Morph Ovum changes your victim into a chicken, good eaten'
Delmintalitar's Time Bomb of the Ancients drops a transparent bomb
that explodes after one second. Oh yes, it will get you too if you stick
Gargoyle Winged demons
Fire Gargoyle same but shoots fireballs at you
Golem walking rock piles hit hard; see above picture
Nitrogolem like Golem only shoots blazing skulls at you. As ghosts
you can see throw them and need enchanted weapons to kill them.
Undead Warriors Nasty magic axe throwing armored duds. They also
can take a ghost form so you need enchanted weapons.
Sabreclaw gold knights with tails, cut you to pieces with their
Weredragon built like a tank and belch body blasting fireballs.
They also take on ghost form,
Ophidian only in last Episode, shoot with tridents (Snake dud with
a pitch fork).
Disciple of D'Sparil wizards with flight that blink in, shoot a
wave of missiles and disappear!
Levels are:
Episode 1 : City of the Damned
E1M1 The Docks
Your basic docks, you do have to go into the water sometime and
there is a current, a heavy one at times that you have to fight against
to get some of the stuff you want (and need to complete the level). You
start with a wand (weapon 2, above) and staff and add cat claws
(alternates with staff for weapon 1) and in time pick up a crossbow
(weapon 3 in top picture).
E1M2 The Dungeons
Here you get your first shot at wings and I believe you need the Green,
Yellow, and Blue keys to make it out to The Gatehouse.
E1M3 The Gatehouse
Much like the Dungeons before with more stuff and more monsters.
E1M4 The Guard Tower
E1M5 The Citadel
E1M6 The Cathedral
E1M7 The Crypt
E1M8 Hell's Maw
E1M9 The Graveyard
Episode 2 : Hell's Maw
E2M1 The Crater
Get the best weapons but newer tougher Monsters too!
E2M2 The Lava Pits
Meet the wizards (Disciple of D'Sparil) and turn one into a Chicken for
an easy kill (Select an egg and throw it at him, then stomp the Chicken).
E2M3 The River of Fire
Alot'o'Sabreclaws gold knights with tails, cut you to pieces with their
E2M4 The Ice Grotto
E2M5 The Catacombs
E2M6 The Labyrinth
E2M7 The Great Hall
E2M8 The Portals of Chaos
E2M9 The Glacier
Episode 3 : The Dome of D'Sparil
E3M1 The Storeshouse
E3M2 The Cesspool
E3M3 The Confluence
E3M4 The Azure Fortress
E3M5 The Ophidian Lair
E3M6 The Halls of Fear
E3M7 The Chasm
E3M8 D'Sparil's Keep
E3M9 The Aquifer
With the destruction of the iron liches and their minions, the last of
the undead are cleared from this plane of existence. Those creatures had
to come from somewhere, though, and you have the sneaky suspicion that
the fiery portal of hell's maw opens onto their home dimension. To make
sure that more undead (or even worse things) don't dome through, you'll
have to seal hell's maw from the other side. Of course this means you may
get stuck in a very unfriendly world, but no one ever said being a Heretic
was easy! The mighty maulotaurs have proved to be no match for you, and
as their steaming corpses slide to the ground you feel a sense of grim
satisfaction that they have been destroyed. ...More to come...
Totally Unauthorized Cheat Codes for Heretic.
by Robert E. Waring
Guess you would like to know how to cheat in Heretic, well,
don't type iddqd, you've probably figured that one out by now.
idkfa doesn't work either. I'll show you the codes that do work,
and if you have any problems, or questions,
drop me a note at 73252,1413.
Also, look for my Totally Unauthorized Guide
to DOOM II & Heretic due out soon!
I'm working on the developers parameters,
i.e. -devparm, and will upload that document as soon as I can.
The Heretic Cheat Codes
Note: Just type these codes in while playing,
you will receive the benefit immediately. These codes only
work on the first 4 difficulty levels, the 5 level is like the
nightmare mode in DOOM & DOOM II.
The Code What it does
kitty = Toggle Clipping
- Walk through walls, type it again
to turn it off
ravmap = Shows entire map in map mode
(Hit tab for map mode)
type ravmap twice shows where all the monsters are
type ravmap a third time to revert to the original.
massacre = This kills all of the monsters on the current level.
skel = This gives you all the keys
rambo = This gives you all the weapons and 200% Armor!
quicken = GOD Mode. You can't be harmed
ponce = Full Health
shazam = Weapon Power up (Tome of Power) lasts for 30 secs.
engage = Level Warp. i.e. engage12 would take you to
the second level of the first epidsode.
gimme = This gives you the other Heretic items from a menu.
It will ask for an item letter (a-j)
and a quanity (1-9)
i.e. gimme a 9
This would give you 9 invincibility rings.
You then use the items from your inventory
using the [ ] keys to select it, then press
enter to load the item, press enter again
during play to use the item.
Here are the letters for the gimme command
a: Ring of Invincibility
b: Shadowsphere (Partial Invisibility)
c: Quartz Flask (Purple Vial, gives 7 chain links of health)
d: bad input (havn't figured this one out yet)
e: Tome of Power (Black Skull Book, gives your weapons superpowers!
f: Torch (Light up dark areas, duh.)
g: Bomb of the Ancients (If you lay one down, move away fast!)
h: Morph Ovum (Turns the enemy into a chicken)
- The little chickens will attack and peck you, kill them!
i: Wings of Wrath (You can fly!)
j: bad input (havn't figured this one out yet)
And finally, ever wonder what Heretic looks like
from a chickens point of view?
Type cockadoodledoo
This turns you into a chicken for a short period of time.
I hope this helps in your struggles and look for more
extensive coverage of Heretic in my
Totally Unauthorized Guide to Heretic due out soon!
Robert E. Waring
Author of DOOM & DOOM II: Totally Unauthorized
Crystal Vial (Health)
Silver Shield (Armor)
Enchanted Shield (Armor)
Bag of Holding
Map Scroll
Blue Key
Green Key
Quartz Flask
Wings of Wrath
Ring of Invincibility
Tome of Power
Morph Ovum
Mystic Urn
Time Bomb of the Ancients
Chaos Device
Wand Crystal
Crystal Geode
Mace Spheres
Pile of Mace Spheres
Ethereal Arrows
Quiver of Ethereal Arrows
Claw Orb
Energy Orb
Lesser Runes
Greater Runes
Flame Orb
Inferno Orb
Fire Mace
Ethereal Crossbow
Dragon Claw
Phoenix Rod
Gauntlets of the Necromancer
HP_SpecialThing: Unknown gettable thing
Lifegem0, 1...
Odds and Ends:
-DEVPARM -RAVPIC (F1 does PCX screen captures like DOOM, DOOM II)
RAMBO Like Very Happy Ammo
(K0) God Mode On / Off
(DENO) Clipping On / Off
Chicken On / Off
DMXOPTION -opl3 -phase
Command Line Parameters:
-ravpic Makes F1 save a .PCX picture every time you hit it instead of help.
Under name HRTIC00.PCX through HRTIC99.PCX
-devmap DEDEVMAP: Makes a Map?
-debug file dumps a debug file
Cheat Codes:
RAMBO Very Happy Ammo
In MAP: RAVMAP toggles map just like IDDT did in DOOM
Can't find any other RAV? Codes for power ups and stuff.
VGA 761295520