DOOM2: Hell On Earth

from ID software and GT Interactive on CDROM requires DX386 or better, 8M RAM, and about 20M on the Hard drive. The original companies have now been bought up and ID software is now part of Activision. The shareware versions still exist in many places, the best being and it's still sold at

You can kill your friends in doom, doom2...

 It is also almost impossible to finish without being in GOD MODE (iddqd). You'll find that DOOM2 is impossible to truly finish without GOD and No Clipping (IDCLIP only in DOOM2) Though you can get to the normal end screens without them. There are now two more 32 level episodes known as FinalDOOM. This adds not only the levels, but DirectX Windows95 setup for running all DOOMs! 


To your left is the chain saw, go get it but put it way for later and take out your gun. Shoot guards pick up stuff on far left and right of door. Down the hall, right and at second right shoot guard. Go down hall and quick left at end to back of room and shoot Imp in cage. Then back by entrance push button and shoot guard. Push far wall and push switch that appears. Now jump back down and run back by Imp cage. Just behind second column you will now see exit to outside, take it (Kill the Imps) and get Shotgun and shells. Back inside half way between door to outside and Imp cage is a hidden door with healing, likely not of use - just exit! For extra if you jumped on the grate after pushing the button to open the outside door you can go back down the hall to the circular room, at the back you'll find a rocket launcher and some shells! If you really want to get it all you have to open the first door you passed and kill the 4 guards, press the buttons and collect all the guard's shells.



Shoot guards, pick up blue vials or stim pack till 100% healthy (as shown above). Then open Door and shoot guards to right and left. Go left and shoot guard  on right. Press the switch on the wall (to the right). Re-enter room you started in and enter waterway (opened by switch). Shoot guards in waterway (2) and to right around corner, get stim pack there. Go across waterway to UAC door and enter, shooting a bunch (4 or more) guards at entrance. Shoot guards (2 or more) behind computer and get Super shotgun and stim packs as needed to get back to 100% health. Exit room and continue to left along waterway up steps shooting guards and building to left along ramp. get across from window, back to wall and jump across (run across). Kill all guards, imps, and a demon (demon will likely go outside) and get RED key. Get stims and stuff and kill demon (if not done) and guards back at entrance to waterway - beware, guards in opening from other waterway will shoot you in the back in waterway, run back down to UAC room if you need stims or back to entrance room (kill guards again). Exit room and kill guard behind red grate. Press red grate and push switch (opens other waterway). Go back and enter waterway to left, killing guards as usual. You will come back to the wall half way around the waterway that is now open so you can walk through back to were you got the red key, but don't bother to walk through. Go right and you will enter a new room with water floor, kill the imp(s) and you'll see an square on the floor different looking from the rest. Stand on it and you'll drop down to the 'basement' and target the trash cans and imps and guards there. You'll have to go through a door (killing imps) to get the blue key and down the other hall to get out the blue door to the stairs. across and to the left is another door, enter and kill the guards to the left and hit the big red button to level 3.


3:The Gantlet

This level the guards have machine guns and you need to get one! At first you enter a small entranceway (Above) and can pick off a guard through the window to the left. Then open the door stand back and shoot! You'll have to kill some guards and imps just to get through the door ok. After this you can pick up armor and shotguns, go up the stairs but skip the elevator and continue on to kill the rest of the guards to the left. Next do the elevator, but I'd advise going left and looking for that room over there for cover as you kill the guards in that direction and work to getting a machine gun yourself. The machine gun in in the center of the pillbox and the end of the stairs (down then up & inside) there are guards all over there and imps and specters about. Kill the imps and guards, get the chain gun and ammo from the other two doorways and then continue on to get the Blue key and open blue door (kill guards) and teleport. You can now get the rocket launcher and teleport again to get the red key, use the teleporter there to get to the last exit puzzle, then kill off the remaining demons and imps to exit the level (beware one demon is generally in the exit).


4:The Focus

This one is pretty really tough! Much like the level before it. You enter the door above and guards start shooting at you. Some are in the hallway, but most are behind a hole in the wall to the right. Duck in and out of the doorway shooting to pick them off. After that go down the hall and to the left. At the end on the left is the door to where the guards were hiding and another door right at the end of the hallway. Generally I pick the door on the left where the guards are hiding, pick them off, stand back and blow up the trash cans and pick off any remaining guards and take what I can. Then go back down the hall and enter the room to the left (you'll be under some fire there), push the switch, Now go back down the hall to the end and proceed through the door at the end of the hall. There are Imps and specters there and at the end of the twists the blue key. When you pick up the key a hidden Imp room opens back down at the twist in the hall. Go back carefully and shoot the imps and pick up the stimpacks (you'll likely need them). Now you can enter the blue door back near the original entrance, beware there's alot to shoot and and the rooms are black when you start! If you survive these halls and come to the lighted area (there is a light switch near the door of the dark area), there will be a number of imps to kill and you'll see a green switch and a box in the corner by it. Hit the switch, stand on the box, run the the box in the middle of the room (it comes down so the top is at floor level) and stand on it till it goes up then turn right and walk over and get the red key. Then jump down and left to the teleporter. The last red room is murder (redrum backwards). There are generally three guards with machine guns and a few with shotguns. I generally enter the red door and after opening the second red door run right which drops me down to the right. At the end of this hall to the right is a guard with machine gun, cut him down quick because those above you can see in there and go to the end and right to the teleporter. When you come out fire and back up firing at all guards There's a switch on the wall here or across from here (teleporters get you there) that finishes the walkway to the exit. As with the level before there's a demon (pink thing) in the exit room (with yellow key in front of the yellow door).


5:The Waste Tunnels

Not as hard as the Focus was.  Pick off the guards to the left and right, beware there's a panel in the floor to an Imp cage and windows to two guard towers in the next area. There is also likely a cacodemon around there.


6:The Crusher

7:Dead Simple

As you can see there's a button (head) in front of you, but before you push it - go right all the way then left (get the shotgun - you really need it and anything else you can get). After pushing the button, duck behind a support and shoot at the two Mancubus (fatsos). After you kill them off you hit a button and a hell of Arachotrons are let loose - run and shoot (and die?).

8:Tricks and Traps

Now you thought The Focus was tough, this is worse!


9:The Pit

10:Refueling Base

11:'O' of Destruction

12:The Factory


Not the one Mrs. Miller used to sing about in the 60s!


14:The Inmost Dens

Not so bad, fun really.


15:Industrial Zone

Much like the Suburbs that follow and like the Inmost Dens, fun really.



Enter from several levels including Wolfenstien Level. Alot 'o buildings, Imps, a Demon or two, an Undead? (hard to kill), and lots of neat stuff. You start in a hall way and just down the stairs and across the street from the library which looks like:


Beware of the Imps! There's quite a few just next door with a teleporter and they have a way into the library. The BFG-9000 is in the house of skulls (You'll know it when you open any door to it). Got around the back, you can enter there - push on the diagonal wall and step on it when it drops, go out to the ledge and jump into the Poisson blood, press the skull switch to get into the goodies! This is generally well guarded by a skeleton shooting fire (specter). The Blue Skull key is on the platform in the green acid guarded by that annoying imp, but after you kill him and get through all the acid you get the blue skull key, ammo, and radiation suit - and suddenly a whole lota imps show up all around the acid shooting at you! So get the Invisibly ball in the room to the right of the acid bath before you start. And load up on ammo, weapons to kill the imps. You need to get back to the high-rise with the Blue door to get the RED key that will get to out the exit over in the Black paneled tower.



Much the same as the suburbs before it.


18:The Courtyard

A lot of bad stuff to kill here. Basically you run around the outside walls dodging everything shooting at you and get stuff and hit switches (one at a time as each releases more stuff to fire at you. One of the switches will open the outer wall and let you kill the spider demons and stuff out there, and pick up more stuff you may need. When you do get everything killed, you need to enter the mouth at the center of The Courtyard.

19:The Citadel



22:The Catacombs

This one is alot of the normal stuff. Not really tough save in the tunnels of green goo (acid) where you need your suit.

23:Barrels o' Fun

Stand back and shoot the Barrels and watch them Splat! It's Barrels o' Fun!


24:The Chasm


Yes, that's right Bloodfalls and they'll kill you if you stay in them.

26:The abandoned mines

This makes you spent alot of time walking on narrow walls (and some falling in).


27:Monster Condo

Rather like the Suburbs again!


28:The Spirit World

Not really much fun at all.


29:The Living End

Again, not much fun, just try to get though it! Think about GOD MODE.

30:Icon of Sin

Almost impossible (maybe impossible) without GOD MODE on. If you use no clipping (IDCLIP) as well you can destroy the programmer's head for another game ending.



You enter with just a pistol no matter what you came in with so warping to this level is a fine idea. Just start DOOM2 and type idclev31 and off you go. Has alot of hidden stuff as Wolfenstein including exit doors to several other levels including The Suburbs and Grosse (the very hard to kill CyberAlien).



A Very hard to kill CyberAlien rules this level. Kill 'em and after destroy the bodies so you can finish the game (Shades of Blake Stone).


Fin: The End!

Yes id Software has finish with DOOM to do other games. They did release a new Episode 4 to the original DOOM which is very hard to play all the way through without GOD MODE or other cheats. So if you don't have it look for it! They also let GT & Neosoft put out two additional Episodes of DOOM2: TNT (aka Evilution) & Plutonia. Other than that you'll have to play all the levels created by other users to keep you busy or make some yourself with DOOM Editors.
DOOM2 E1M1 Background Music

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