Here is a list of the cheat codes from DOOM. During play, just
type the codes in with the keyboard. You need not hit ENTER after
the code. After entering, a message should be displayed at the
top of the screen telling which cheat mode was activated.
GBA indicates Gameboy Advance, most codes for it are in Pause with L
+ R (paddles on top of Gameboy Advance) held and buttons hit.
Multiple codes can be entered at a time by letting up on the L + R,
then holding them again and entering the buttons. New codes will be
added as they are discovered.
idbehold Displays menu (followed by S, V, I,
R, A, or L for choice)
S=Strength (Berserk)
I=Partial invisibility
A=Full Automap (computer map)
R=Anti-radiation suit
L=Light amplification visors
idchoppers Gives you the chain saw (long
story behind the message)
Warp (followed by episode number and level number)
GBA Skip to next level Pause the game, then hold L + R and press A, B, A x2, B x3, A.
GBA Pause the game, then hold L + R and press A, B, A x2, B x2, A x2.
You will advance about 5 levels, depending on the current level.
# idclip No clipping
(you can walk through walls)
iddqd Degreelessness
(God) mode
GBA Pause the game, then hold L + R and press A x2, B, A x5.
iddt Toggles
Automap between normal, full, and full with objects
(enter when in Automap mode)
+ idfa Gives full ammo, 200% armor, and all
weapons but no keys
idkfa Very Happy Ammo (full ammo, 200%
armor, all weapons & keys)
GBA Pause the game, then hold L + R and press A, B x2, A x5.
# idmus Changes the music to a certain
mission (followed by
episode and level number)
idmypos Displays your bearing and
coordinates in hex
@ idspispopd No clipping (you can walk
through walls)
#: Found only in DOOM II
@: Only found in in DOOM I
+: Only found in DOOM v1.4bt and up
GBA Gameboy Advance
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