// =========================================================================
// Mystic BBS Software Copyright (C) 1997-2016 By James Coyle
// =========================================================================
// Desc | This file holds the data file records for all data files used
// within Mystic BBS software. Mystic BBS is compiled with the // latest version of Free Pascal for all platforms.
// =========================================================================
mysSoftwareID = 'Mystic BBS';
mysCopyYear = '1997-2016';
mysVersion = '1.12 A3';
mysDataChanged = '1.12 A3';
mysCopyNotice = 'Copyright (C) ' + mysCopyYear + ' By James Coyle';
PathChar = '\';
LineTerm = #13#10;
OSID = 'Windows';
OSType = 0;
PathChar = '/';
LineTerm = #10;
{$IFDEF CPUARM} OSID = 'Raspberry Pi'; {$ELSE} OSID = 'Linux'; {$ENDIF}
OSType = 1;
PathChar = '/';
LineTerm = #10;
OSType = 2;
PathChar = '\';
LineTerm = #13#10;
OSID = 'OS/2';
OSType = 4;
mysMaxAcsSize = 30; // Max ACS string size mysMaxPathSize = 80; mysMaxMsgLines = 10000; // Max message base lines mysMaxInputHistory = 5; // Input history stack size mysMaxFileDescLen = 50; // file description length per line mysMaxBatchQueue = 50; // max files per queue mysMaxVoteQuestion = 20; // Max number of voting questions mysMaxMenuNameLen = 20; // menu name size mysMaxMenuItems = 99; // Maximum menu items per menu mysMaxMenuCmds = 25; // Max menu commands per item
mysMaxMenuInput = 12;
mysMaxMenuStack = 8;
mysMaxThemeText = 527;
fn_SemFileEchoOut = 'echomail.out';
fn_SemFileEchoIn = 'echomail.in';
fn_SemFileNews = 'newsmail.out';
fn_SemFileNet = 'netmail.out'; fn_SemFileQwk = 'qwkmail.out'; fn_tplMsgEdit = 'ansiedit';
fn_tplTextEdit = 'ansitext';
ColumnValue : Array[0..1] of Byte = (80, 40);
SmallWord = System.Word;
Integer = SmallInt;
Word = SmallWord;
RecMessageText = Array[1..mysMaxMsgLines] of String[132]; RecFileText = Array[1..100] of String[120];
AccessFlagType = Set of 1..26;
RecEchoMailAddr = Record
Point : Word;
RecEchoMailExport = LongInt;
RecEchoMailNode = Record
Index : LongInt;
Description : String[35];
Active : Boolean; Address : RecEchoMailAddr; Domain : String[8]; ArcType : String[4]; MailType : Byte; // 0=BINKP,1=FTP,2=Dir
binkHost : String[60];
ftpPassive : Boolean;
ProtType : Byte;
binkTimeout : Word;
binkBlock : Word;
binkMD5 : Byte;
ftpOutHost : String[60];
UNUSED2 : Word;
ftpOutLogin : String[20];
ftpOutPass : String[20];
ftpInDir : String[60];
ftpOutDir : String[60];
MaxPKTSize : Word;
LastRecv : LongInt;
LastSent : LongInt;
LastReset : LongInt;
InFiles : Cardinal; InSize : Cardinal; OutFiles : Cardinal; OutSize : Cardinal;
binkPass : String[20];
RouteInfo : String[128];
AreaFixPass : String[20];
DirInDir : String[60];
DirOutDir : String[60];
LPKTDay : Byte; LPKTPtr : Byte;
binkHideAKA : Boolean;
MaxARCSize : Word;
PKTPass : String[8]; UseFileBox : Byte; //0=No, 1=Hold, 2=Any OutFileBox : String[60]; TICPass : String[20]; Res : Array[1..122] of Byte;
RecQwkNetwork = Record
Index : LongInt;
Description : String[30];
MemberType : Byte; // 0=HUB,1=Node
PacketID : String[20];
UseQWKE : Boolean;
UsePassive : Boolean;
HostName : String[60];
Login : String[20];
Password : String[20];
ArcType : String[4]; Res : Array[1..75] of Byte;
RecSauceInfo = Packed Record
Title : String[35];
Author : String[20];
Group : String[20];
RecUserOptionalField = Record
Ask : Boolean;
Desc : String[12];
iType : Byte;
iField : Byte;
iMax : Byte;
RecConfig = Record // MYSTIC.DAT // INTERNALS
DataChanged : String[8]; // Version of last data change SystemCalls : LongInt; // system caller number UserIdxPos : LongInt; // permanent user # position // SYSTEM PATHS SystemPath : String[mysMaxPathSize]; // Root mystic path DataPath : String[mysMaxPathSize]; LogsPath : String[mysMaxPathSize]; MsgsPath : String[mysMaxPathSize]; AttachPath : String[mysMaxPathSize]; ScriptPath : String[mysMaxPathSize]; QwkPath : String[mysMaxPathSize]; SemaPath : String[mysMaxPathSize]; InboundPath : String[mysMaxPathSize]; MenuPath : String[mysMaxPathSize]; TextPath : String[mysMaxPathSize];
OutboundPath : String[mysMaxPathSize]; // GENERAL SETTINGS
BBSName : String[30]; SysopName : String[30]; SysopPW : String[15]; SystemPW : String[15]; FeedbackTo : String[30]; Inactivity : Word; // Inactivity seconds (0=disabled) DefStartMenu : String[20]; // Default start menu UNUSED : String[20]; DefThemeFile : String[20]; DefTermMode : Byte; // 0=ask 1=detect 2=detect/ask 3=ansi
DefScreenSize : Byte;
DefScreenCols : Byte;
ChatStart : Byte; // Chat hour start ChatEnd : Byte; // Chat hour end ChatFeedback : Boolean; // E-mail sysop if page isn't answered ChatLogging : Boolean; // Record SysOp chat to CHAT.LOG? AcsSysop : String[mysMaxAcsSize]; // LOGIN/MATRIX LoginTime : Byte; LoginAttempts : Byte; PWAttempts : Byte; PWChange : Word; PWInquiry : Boolean; UseMatrix : Boolean; MatrixMenu : String[20]; MatrixPW : String[15]; MatrixAcs : String[mysMaxAcsSize]; AcsInvisLogin : String[mysMaxAcsSize]; AcsSeeInvis : String[mysMaxAcsSize];
AcsMultiLogin : String[mysMaxAcsSize]; // CONSOLE SETTINGS
SysopMacro : Array[1..8] of String[60]; // Sysop Macros f1-f8
UseStatusBar : Boolean;
StatusColor1 : Byte;
StatusColor2 : Byte;
StatusColor3 : Byte;
AllowNewUsers : Boolean;
NewUserSec : SmallInt; NewUserPW : String[15]; NewUserEMail : Boolean; StartMGroup : Word; StartFGroup : Word; UseUSAPhone : Boolean; UserNameFormat : Byte; // 0=typed 1=upper 2=lower 3=proper // NEW USER SETTINGS 2 UserDateType : Byte; // 1=MM/DD/YY 2=DD/MM/YY 3=YY/DD/MM 4=Ask UserEditorType : Byte; // 0=Line 1=Full 2=Ask UserHotKeys : Byte; // 0=no 1=yes 2=ask UserFullChat : Byte; // 0=no 1=yes 2=ask UserFileList : Byte; // 0=Normal 1=Lightbar 2=Ask UserReadType : Byte; // 0=normal 1=ansi 2=ask UserMailIndex : Byte; // 0=normal 1=ansi 2=ask UserReadIndex : Byte; // 0=normal 1=ansi 2=ask UserQuoteWin : Byte; // 0=line 1=window 2=ask UserProtocol : Byte; // 0=no 1=yes 2=ask AskTheme : Boolean; AskRealName : Boolean; AskAlias : Boolean; AskStreet : Boolean; AskCityState : Boolean; AskZipCode : Boolean;
AskHomePhone : Boolean;
AskDataPhone : Boolean;
AskBirthdate : Boolean;
AskGender : Boolean; AskEmail : Boolean; AskUserNote : Boolean;
AskScreenSize : Boolean;
AskScreenCols : Boolean;
OptionalField : Array[1..10] of RecUserOptionalField; // MESSAGE BASE SETTINGS
MCompress : Boolean; MColumns : Byte; MShowHeader : Boolean; // re-show msg header after pause MShowBases : Boolean; MaxAutoSig : Byte; Origin : String[50]; // Default origin line NetCrash : Boolean; NetHold : Boolean; NetKillSent : Boolean; ColorQuote : Byte; ColorText : Byte; ColorTear : Byte; ColorOrigin : Byte; ColorKludge : Byte; AcsExtReply : String[mysMaxAcsSize];
AcsFileAttach : String[mysMaxAcsSize]; AcsNodeLookup : String[mysMaxAcsSize];
FSEditor : Boolean; FSCommand : String[60]; // ECHOMAIL NETWORKS NetAddress : Array[1..30] of RecEchoMailAddr; // echomail addresses NetPrimary : Array[1..30] of Boolean; Res1 : Array[1..210] of Byte; NetDomain : Array[1..30] of String[8]; // echomail domains (5D) NetDesc : Array[1..30] of String[25]; // echomail network description // OFFLINE MAIL (should include local qwk path) qwkMaxBase : Word; qwkMaxPacket : Word; qwkArchive : String[4]; qwkBBSID : String[8]; qwkWelcome : String[mysMaxPathSize]; qwkNews : String[mysMaxPathSize]; qwkGoodbye : String[mysMaxPathSize]; // FILE BASE SETTINGS FCompress : Boolean; FColumns : Byte; FShowHeader : Boolean; FShowBases : Boolean; FDupeScan : Byte; // 0=no 1=yes 2=global UploadBase : Word; // Default upload file base ImportDIZ : Boolean; FreeUL : LongInt; FreeCDROM : LongInt; MaxFileDesc : Byte; FCommentLines : Byte; FCommentLen : Byte; FProtocol : Char; TestUploads : Boolean; TestPassLevel : Byte; TestCmdLine : String[mysMaxPathSize]; AcsValidate : String[mysMaxAcsSize];
AcsSeeUnvalid : String[mysMaxAcsSize]; AcsDLUnvalid : String[mysMaxAcsSize]; AcsSeeFailed : String[mysMaxAcsSize]; AcsDLFailed : String[mysMaxAcsSize]; // INTERNET SERVER SETTINGS
inetDomain : String[25];
inetIPBlocking : Boolean;
inetLogging : Boolean; inetSMTPUse : Boolean; inetSMTPPort : Word; inetSMTPMax : Word;
inetSMTPDupes : Byte;
inetSMTPTimeOut : Word;
inetPOP3Use : Boolean;
inetPOP3Port : Word;
inetPOP3Max : Word;
inetPOP3Dupes : Byte;
inetPOP3Delete : Boolean;
inetPOP3Timeout : Word;
inetTNUse : Boolean; inetTNPort : Word; inetTNNodes : Byte; inetTNDupes : Byte; inetFTPUse : Boolean; inetFTPPort : Word; inetFTPMax : Word;
inetFTPDupes : Byte;
inetFTPPortMin : Word;
inetFTPPortMax : Word;
inetFTPPassive : Boolean;
inetFTPTimeout : Word;
inetNNTPUse : Boolean;
inetNNTPPort : Word;
inetNNTPMax : Word;
inetNNTPDupes : Byte;
inetNNTPTimeOut : Word;
inetTNHidden : Boolean;
ThemeOnStart : Boolean;
StartCodePage : Byte;
AcsSeeOffline : String[mysMaxAcsSize];
// DefDomain : String[8];
//inetSMTPRelay : String[30];
//inetSMTPLogin : String[30];
//inetSMTPPW : String[30];
ForceNodeList : Boolean;
inetInterface : String[23];
inetBINKPUse : Boolean;
inetBINKPPort : Word;
inetBINKPMax : Word;
inetBINKPDupes : Byte;
inetBINKPTimeOut: Word;
inetBINKPCram5 : Boolean;
QwkNetMenu : String[20];
inetFTPHideQWK : Byte; // 0 = hide, 1=root dir 2=all dirs
AcsMsgUpload : String[mysMaxAcsSize];
CreateSemaphore : Byte; // 0 = on logoff, 1 = on post
inetUseDNSBL : Boolean;
inetDNSBL : String[40];
inetUseDNSCC : Boolean;
inetDNSCC : String[40]; inetBanIP : Byte; inetBanSecs : Word;
inetBINKPUnsecure : Boolean;
UnsecurePath : String[mysMaxPathSize];
inetBINKPRename : Byte; // 0=Rename, 1=Skip
inetBINKPExempt : Boolean;
AskCodePage : Byte; MatrixLogin : Boolean; Reserved : Array[1..551] of Char;
UserLockedOut = $00000001;
UserNoRatio = $00000002;
UserDeleted = $00000004;
UserNoKill = $00000008;
UserNoLastCall = $00000010;
UserNoPWChange = $00000020;
UserNoHistory = $00000040;
UserNoTimeout = $00000080;
UserQWKNetwork = $00000100;
UserNoDelete = $00000200;
UserForcePW = $00000400;
RecUser = Record // USERS.DAT PermIdx : LongInt; // permanent user number Flags : LongInt; // User Flags bitmap Handle : String[30]; // Handle RealName : String[30]; // Real Name Password : String[15]; // Password Address : String[30]; // Address City : String[25]; // City ZipCode : String[9]; // Zipcode HomePhone : String[15]; // Home Phone DataPhone : String[15]; // Data phone Birthday : LongInt; // Gender : Char; // M/F/U Email : String[60]; OptionData : Array[1..10] of String[60]; UserInfo : String[30]; Theme : String[20]; AF1 : AccessFlagType; AF2 : AccessFlagType; Security : SmallInt; Expires : String[8];
ExpiresTo : Byte;
LastPWChange : String[8];
StartMenu : String[20];
Archive : String[4]; QwkFiles : Boolean; DateType : Byte;
ScreenSize : Byte;
ScreenCols : Byte;
PeerIP : String[20]; PeerHost : String[50]; FirstOn : LongInt; // Date/Time of First Call LastOn : LongInt; // Date/Time of Last Call Calls : LongInt; // Number of calls to BBS CallsToday : SmallWord; // Number of calls today DLs : SmallWord; // # of downloads DLsToday : SmallWord; // # of downloads today DLk : LongInt; // # of downloads in K DLkToday : LongInt; // # of downloaded K today ULs : LongInt; // total number of uploads ULk : LongInt; // total number of uploaded K Posts : LongInt; // total number of msg posts Emails : LongInt; // total number of sent email TimeLeft : LongInt; // time left online for today TimeBank : SmallInt; // number of mins in timebank
FileRatings : LongInt;
FileComment : LongInt;
LastFBase : Word; // Last file base LastMBase : Word; // Last message base LastMGroup : Word; // Last group accessed LastFGroup : Word; // Last file group accessed Vote : Array[1..20] of Byte; // Voting booth data EditType : Byte; // 0 = Line, 1 = Full, 2 = Ask FileList : Byte; // 0 = Normal, 1 = Lightbar SigUse : Boolean; // Use auto-signature? SigOffset : LongInt; // offset to sig in AUTOSIG.DAT SigLength : Byte; // number of lines in sig HotKeys : Boolean; // does user have hotkeys on? MReadType : Byte; // 0 = line 1 = full 2 = ask UseLBIndex : Boolean; // use lightbar index? UseLBQuote : Boolean; // use lightbar quote mode UseLBMIdx : Boolean; // use lightbar index in email? UseFullChat : Boolean; // use full screen teleconference Credits : LongInt; Protocol : Char; UNUSED : Byte;
QwkExtended : Boolean;
QwkNetwork : LongInt;
EmailValCode : String[8];
EmailValSent : LongInt;
EmailValDate : LongInt;
Reserved : Array[1..366] of Byte;
RecEvent = Record
Active : Boolean;
Name : String[40];
ExecType : Byte; // 0=BBS, 1=Semaphore, 2=Shell, 3=Interval,4=Hourly
ExecTime : SmallInt;
ExecDays : Array[0..6] of Boolean;
Shell : String[160];
SemaFile : String[160];
Node : Byte;
Warning : Byte;
LastRan : LongInt;
Res : Array[1..32] of Byte;
(* SECURITY.DAT in the data directory holds 255 records, one for each ) ( possible security level. *)
RecSecurity = Record { SECURITY.DAT } Desc : String[30]; { Description of security level } Time : Word; { Time online (mins) per day } MaxCalls : Word; { Max calls per day } MaxDLs : Word; { Max downloads per day } MaxDLk : Word; { Max download kilobytes per day } MaxTB : Word; { Max mins allowed in time bank } DLRatio : Byte; { Download ratio ( of DLs per UL) } DLKRatio : SmallInt; { DL K ratio ( of DLed K per UL K } AF1 : AccessFlagType; { Access flags for this level A-Z } AF2 : AccessFlagType; { Access flags #2 for this level } Hard : Boolean; { Do a hard AF upgrade? } StartMenu : String[20]; { Start Menu for this level } PCRatio : SmallInt; { Post / Call ratio per 100 calls }
Expires : Word;
ExpiresTo : Word;
Posts : Word;
PostsTo : Word;
Download : Word;
DownloadTo : Word;
Upload : Word;
UploadTo : Word;
Calls : Word;
CallsTo : Word;
Reserved : Array[1..64] of Byte;
RecArchive = Record { ARCHIVE.DAT }
OSType : Byte;
Active : Boolean;
Desc : String[30];
Ext : String[4];
Pack : String[80];
Unpack : String[80];
View : String[80];
MScanRec = Record { <Message Base Path> *.SCN } NewScan : Byte; { Include this base in new scan? } QwkScan : Byte; { Include this base in qwk scan? }
MBRealNames = $00000001; // 1
MBKillKludge = $00000002; // 2
MBAutosigs = $00000004; // 3
MBNoAttach = $00000008; // 4
MBPrivate = $00000010; // 5
MBPrivReply = $00000020; // 6
MBAllowANSI = $00000040; // 7
RecMessageBase = Record // MBASES.DAT Name : String[40]; QWKName : String[13]; // ancient standard.. qwk base name NewsName : String[60]; // newsgroup name spaces are replaced with . FileName : String[40]; Path : String[mysMaxPathSize]; UNUSED : Byte; NetType : Byte; // 0=Local 1=Echo 2=News 3=Net ReadType : Byte; // 0=User 1=Normal 2=FS ListType : Byte; // 0=User 1=Normal 2=FS
ListACS : String[mysMaxAcsSize];
ReadACS : String[mysMaxAcsSize];
PostACS : String[mysMaxAcsSize];
NewsACS : String[mysMaxACsSize];
SysopACS : String[mysMaxAcsSize];
Sponsor : String[30];
ColQuote : Byte;
ColText : Byte;
ColTear : Byte;
ColOrigin : Byte;
ColKludge : Byte;
NetAddr : Byte; // Net AKA to use for this base Origin : String[50]; // Net origin line for this base DefNScan : Byte; // 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = forced DefQScan : Byte; // 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = forced MaxMsgs : Word; // max messages allowed (used for squish) MaxAge : Word; // max days to keep msg (used for squish) Header : String[20]; // standard reader msgheader RTemplate : String[20]; // fullscreen reader template ITemplate : String[20]; // lightbar index template Index : Word; // permanent index Flags : LongInt; // MB flag bits see above Created : LongInt; EchoTag : String[40]; // EchoMail Tag
QwkNetID : LongInt;
QwkConfID : Word;
Res : Array[1..29] of Byte; // RESERVED
FScanRec = Record { <Data Path> *.SCN } NewScan : Byte; { Include this base in new scan? } LastNew : LongInt; { Last file scan (packed datetime)}
FBShowUpload = $00000001;
FBSlowMedia = $00000002;
FBFreeFiles = $00000004;
RecFileBase = Record
Index : Word; // change to longint? Name : String[40]; // change to 70?
FtpName : String[60];
FileName : String[40];
DispFile : String[20];
Template : String[20];
ListACS : String[30];
FtpACS : String[30]; DLACS : String[30]; ULACS : String[30];
HatchACS : String[30];
SysOpACS : String[30];
Path : String[80];
DefScan : Byte;
Flags : LongInt;
Created : LongInt;
NetAddr : Byte;
EchoTag : String[30];
(* The file directory listing are stored as <FBaseRec.FileName>.DIR in ) ( the data directory. Each record stores the info on one file. File ) ( descriptions are stored in <FBaseRec.FileName>.DES in the data ) ( directory. FDirRec.Pointer points to the file position in the .DES ) ( file where the file description for the file begins. FDirRec.Lines is ) ( the number of lines in the file description. Each line is stored as a )
( Pascal-like string (ie the first byte is the length of the string, ) ( followed by text which is the length of the first byte *)
FDirOffline = $01;
FDirInvalid = $02;
FDirDeleted = $04;
FDirFailed = $08;
FDirFree = $10;
FDirHatched = $20;
// FDirSent = $40;
// FDirLocal = $80;
RecFileIndex = Record
CRC : Int64;
RecFileList = Record
FileName : String[70];
Size : LongInt;
DateTime : LongInt;
Uploader : String[30];
Flags : Byte;
Downloads : LongInt;
Rating : Byte;
DescPtr : Cardinal;
DescLines : Byte;
RecFileComment = Record { .FCI and .FCT in DATA directory }
UserName : String[30];
Rating : Byte;
Date : LongInt;
Pointer : LongInt;
Lines : Word;
RecGroup = Record
UniqueID : LongInt;
Name : String[30]; ACS : String[30];
Hidden : Boolean;
PtrMenuCmd = ^RecMenuCmd;
RecMenuCmd = Packed Record
MenuCmd : String[2];
Access : String[mysMaxAcsSize];
Data : String[160];
JumpID : Byte;
PtrMenuItem = ^RecMenuItem;
RecMenuItem = Packed Record
UniqueID : Integer;
Text : String[160]; TextLo : String[160]; TextHi : String[160]; HotKey : String[mysMaxMenuInput]; Access : String[mysMaxAcsSize]; ShowType : Byte; ReDraw : Byte; JumpUp : Byte;
JumpDown : Byte;
JumpLeft : Byte;
JumpRight : Byte;
JumpEscape : Byte;
JumpTab : Byte;
JumpPgUp : Byte;
JumpPgDn : Byte;
JumpHome : Byte;
JumpEnd : Byte;
CmdData : Array[1..mysMaxMenuCmds] of PtrMenuCmd;
Commands : Byte;
X : Byte; Y : Byte; Timer : Word;
TimerType : Byte;
TimerShow : Boolean;
RecMenuInfo = Packed Record
Description : String[30];
Access : String[mysMaxAcsSize];
DispFile : String[20];
Fallback : String[20];
NodeStatus : String[30];
Header : String[160]; Footer : String[160]; DoneX : Byte; DoneY : Byte;
MenuType : Byte; // 0=std, 1=lb, 2=grid, 3=lbprompt
InputType : Byte;
CharType : Byte;
DispCols : Byte;
Global : Boolean;
IdxCounter : LongInt;
RecPercent = Record
BarLength : Byte;
LoChar : Char;
LoAttr : Byte;
HiChar : Char;
HiAttr : Byte;
Format : Byte;
StartY : Byte;
Active : Boolean;
StartX : Byte;
LastPos : Byte;
Reserved : Array[1..3] of Byte;
ThmAllowASCII = $00000001;
ThmAllowANSI = $00000002;
ThmLightbarYN = $00000004;
ThmFallback = $00000008;
PtrTheme = ^RecTheme;
RecTheme = Record
Flags : LongInt; FileName : String[20]; Desc : String[40]; TextPath : String[mysMaxPathSize]; MenuPath : String[mysMaxPathSize];
ScriptPath : String[mysMaxPathSize]; TemplatePath : String[mysMaxPathSize];
LineChat1 : Byte; LineChat2 : Byte;
UserInputFmt : Byte;
FieldColor1 : Byte;
FieldColor2 : Byte;
FieldChar : Char; EchoChar : Char; UNUSED : Byte; TagChar : Char;
FileDescHi : Byte;
FileDescLo : Byte;
NewMsgChar : Char;
NewVoteChar : Char;
VotingBar : RecPercent; FileBar : RecPercent; MsgBar : RecPercent; GalleryBar : RecPercent; HelpBar : RecPercent; ViewerBar : RecPercent; IndexBar : RecPercent; FAreaBar : RecPercent; FGroupBar : RecPercent; MAreaBar : RecPercent; MGroupBar : RecPercent; MAreaList : RecPercent; Colors : Array[0..9] of Byte; ColumnSize : Byte; BoxFrame : Byte; BoxAttr : Byte; BoxAttr2 : Byte; BoxAttr3 : Byte; BoxAttr4 : Byte; BoxShadow : Boolean;
BoxShadowAttr : Byte;
BoxHeadAttr : Byte;
BoxOKAttr : Byte;
BoxTextAttr : Byte;
Reserved : Array[1..188] of Byte;
BBSListRec = Record
cType : Byte; Phone : String[15];
Telnet : String[40];
BBSName : String[30];
Location : String[25];
SysopName : String[30];
BaudRate : String[6];
Software : String[10];
Deleted : Boolean;
AddedBy : String[30];
Verified : LongInt;
Res : Array[1..6] of Byte;
(* ONELINERS.DAT found in the data directory. This file contains all the
one-liner data. It can be any number of records in size. *)
OneLineRec = Record
Text : String[79];
From : String[30];
(* Each record of VOTES.DAT is one question. Mystic only allows for up ) ( to 20 questions. *)
VoteRec = Record { VOTES.DAT in DATA directory } Votes : SmallInt; { Total votes for this question } AnsNum : Byte; { Total # of Answers } User : String[30]; { User name who added question } ACS : String[20]; { ACS to see this question } AddACS : String[20]; { ACS to add an answer } ForceACS : String[20]; { ACS to force voting of question } Question : String[79]; { Question text } Answer : Array[1..15] of Record { Array[1..15] of Answer data } Text : String[40]; { Answer text } Votes : SmallInt; { Votes for this answer } End;
(* CHATx.DAT is created upon startup, where X is the node number being ) ( loaded. These files are used to store all the user information for a ) ( node. *)
// need to have terminal emulation and remove baud rate // add IP/host? change booleans to bitmap? user perm index
ChatRec = Record { CHATx.DAT } Active : Boolean; { Is there a user on this node? } Name : String[30]; { User's name on this node } Action : String[40]; { User's action on this node } Location : String[30]; { User's City/State on this node } Gender : Char; { User's gender } Age : Byte; { User's age } Baud : String[6]; { User's baud rate } Invisible : Boolean; { Is node invisible? } Available : Boolean; { Is node available? } InChat : Boolean; { Is user in multi-node chat? } Room : Byte; { Chat room }
(* Chat room record - partially used by the multi node chat functions *)
RoomRec = Record
Name : String[40]; { Channel Name }
Reserved : Array[1..128] of Byte; { RESERVED }
// moderator ACS
// change topic ACS
// join ACS
// topic
(* CALLERS.DAT holds information on the last ten callers to the BBS. This ) ( file is always 10 records long with the most recent caller being the ) ( 10th record. *)
RecLastOn = Record // CALLERS.DAT
DateTime : LongInt;
NewUser : Boolean;
PeerIP : String[15];
PeerHost : String[50];
Node : Byte;
CallNum : LongInt;
Handle : String[30]; City : String[25]; Address : String[30]; Gender : Char;
EmailAddr : String[35];
UserInfo : String[30];
OptionData : Array[1..10] of String[60];
Reserved : Array[1..53] of Byte;
RecHistory = Record
Date : LongInt; Emails : Word; Posts : Word;
Downloads : Word;
Uploads : Word;
DownloadKB : LongInt;
UploadKB : LongInt;
Calls : LongInt;
NewUsers : Word;
Telnet : Word; FTP : Word; POP3 : Word; SMTP : Word; NNTP : Word; HTTP : Word; Hourly : Array[0..23] of Byte;
Reserved : Array[1..2] of Byte;
RecProtocol = Record
OSType : Byte;
Active : Boolean;
Batch : Boolean;
Key : Char;
Desc : String[40];
SendCmd : String[60];
RecvCmd : String[60];
RecPrompt = String[255];
NodeMsgRec = Record
FromNode : Byte;
FromWho : String[30];
ToWho : String[30];
Message : String[250];
MsgType : Byte;
{ 1 = Chat Pub and broadcast }
{ 2 = System message }
{ 3 = User message }
{ 4 = Chat Private }
{ 5 = chat status note }
{ 6 = chat action }
{ 7 = chat topic update }
{ 8 = user 2 user page }
{ 9 = user 2 user forced }
{ 10 = chat accepted }
{ 11 = start pipe session }
{ 12 = end pipe session }
{ 13 = terminate node }
Room : Byte; { Chat room number. 0 = chat broadcast }
RecScriptServer = Record
Active : Boolean;
ServerID : String[8];
Script : String[160];
Port : Word;
MaxConns : Byte;
Timeout : Word;
DupeLimit : Byte;
LogType : Byte;
UseBADIP : Boolean;
UseGOODIP : Boolean;
UseDNSCC : Boolean;
UseDNSBL : Boolean;
BanConns : Byte;
BanSecs : Byte;
Reserved : Array[1..32] of Byte;