[ Table of Contents ]
Section Description
A.1 Using Mystic Display Codes A.2 BBS and User Information Codes A.3 Text Color MCI Codes A.4 Text Formatting Codes A.5 Screen/Cursor Related Codes A.6 Input Field Manipulation Codes A.7 Text Box Notification Codes A.8 Miscelleanous Uncategorized Codes A.9 Prompt Info Codes A.10 Screen Info Codes
Mystic Display Codes are found throughout the BBS in various prompts and display files. The purpose of these codes is to replace the code with a corresponding value for that code. For example, if you wanted to display the user's name, there is a code which when parsed in a prompt or file would be replaced with the current logged in user name.
The format for all codes consists of a starting pipe character (|) followed by two characters which are used to represent what data Mystic will replace the code with. These codes are CASE SENSITIVE although currently only uppercased letters are being used.
An example of an MCI code and how it would be processed by Mystic would be:
Welcome the BBS, |UH.
In the above example, |UH is the MCI code for the user's handle. If the current user online had a account handle of "Joe User", then the result of the above example after being processed by Mystic would
Welcome to the BBS, Joe User.
Certain display codes require additional data to be provided after the code. These types of codes are used to do many different things from text formatting, to changing input fields, to saving/restoring the remote user's screen, all the way through to popping up windows and performaning various other BBS functions.
Once again it is important to note that all display codes are CASE SENSITIVE!
The following sections will cover all types of MCI codes used by Mystic BBS.
AG - User's age in years
AS - User's auto signature (On or Off)
AV - User's chat availability for user to user chat (Yes or No)
BD - User's baud rate (returns TELNET or LOCAL) (may be removed)
BI - User's birthdate in their selected date format
BN - BBS name from System configuration
CM - User's full screen node chat setting (On or Off)
CS - User's total number of calls to the BBS
CT - User's total number of calls to the BBS today
DA - Current date in the user's selected date format
DK - User's total downloads in kilobytes
DL - User's total number of downloaded files
DT - User's total number of downloads today
FB - User's current file base name
FG - User's current file group name
FK - User's total uploads in kilobytes
FO - User's first call date in their selected date format
FT - Total number of files in current file base (dynamic)
FU - User's total number of files uploaded
HK - User's hotkey setting (On or Off)
IL - User's node status invisibility (On or Off)
KT - User's downloads in kilobytes today
LO - User's last call date in their selected date format
MB - User's current message base name
MD - Menu description of the current menu (from menu flags)
ME - User's total number of e-mails sent
MG - User's current message group name
ML - User's lightbar message index setting (On or Off)
MN - Network address of current message base
MP - User's total number of message posts
MT - Total number of messages in current message base (dynamic)
ND - Current node number
NE - Minutes until next BBS-type event
OS - Operating system (Windows, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc)
PC - User's current post to calls ratio
PW - Configured number of days before required password change
QA - User's selected archive format (QWK, etc)
QE - User's Generate QWKE setting (Yes or No)
QL - User's Include QWK file listing setting (Yes or No)
RD - User's download ratio for their current security level (files)
RK - User's download ratio for their current security level (kilobytes)
SB - User's max allowed minutes in time bank for current security level
SC - User's max calls per day allowed for current security level
SD - User's current security level description
SK - User's max allowed download kilobytes per day for current sec level
SL - User's current security level number
SN - Configured Sysop name
SP - Configured post call ratio for the current security level
ST - Configured allowed minutes per day for current security level
SX - User's max allowed downloaded files per day for current security level
TB - User's timebank minutes
TC - Total number of calls to the BBS system
TE - User's terminal emulation (Ansi or Ascii)
TI - Current time of day in 12 hour format
TL - User's time left in minutes
TO - User's time spent online this session (in minutes)
U# - User's number (aka permanent user index)
U1 - User's optional data answer for question #1
U2 - User's optional data answer for question #1
U3 - User's optional data answer for question #1
UA - User's address
UB - User's file listing type (Normal or Lightbar)
UC - User's city, state
UD - User's data phone number
UE - User's message editor type (Line, Full, or Ask)
UF - User's Date input format (MM/DD/YY, DD/MM/YY, YY/DD/MM)
UG - User's gender (Male or Female)
UH - User's handle (alias)
UI - User's User information field
UJ - User's message reader type (Normal or Lightbar)
UK - User's email address
UL - User's selected theme description
UM - User's lightbar message index setting (On of Off)
UN - User's real name
UP - User's Home phone number
UQ - User's full screen editor quote mode (Standard or Lightbar)
US - User's screen size lines (ie 25)
UX - User's computer/router/internet host name
UY - User's IP address
UZ - User's zip (postal) code
VR - Mystic BBS version number
XD - Days left before the user's account expires (or 0 if none)
XS - Security level in which the user's account will expire to
The typical pipe format of <pipe>## where ## is one of the following:
00 : Sets the current foreground to Black 01 : Sets the current foreground to Dark Blue 02 : Sets the current foreground to Dark Green 03 : Sets the current foreground to Dark Cyan 04 : Sets the current foreground to Dark Red 05 : Sets the current foreground to Dark Magenta 06 : Sets the current foreground to Brown 07 : Sets the current foreground to Grey 08 : Sets the current foreground to Dark Grey 09 : Sets the current foreground to Light Blue 10 : Sets the current foreground to Light Green 11 : Sets the current foreground to Light Cyan 12 : Sets the current foreground to Light Red 13 : Sets the current foreground to Light Magenta 14 : Sets the current foreground to Yellow 15 : Sets the current foreground to White
16 : Sets the current background to Black 17 : Sets the current background to Blue 18 : Sets the current background to Green 19 : Sets the current background to Cyan 20 : Sets the current background to Red 21 : Sets the current background to Magenta 22 : Sets the current background to Brown 23 : Sets the current background to Grey
Depending on the terminal the 24-31 codes can have different results. Some terminals will use iCE colors which are the non-blinking brighter backgrounds. Others may use blinking text instead.
24 : Sets the current background to Dark Grey 25 : Sets the current background to Light Blue 26 : Sets the current background to Light Green 27 : Sets the current background to Light Cyan 28 : Sets the current background to Light Red 29 : Sets the current background to Light Magenta 30 : Sets the current background to light Yellow 31 : Sets the current background to light White
24 : Sets the current background to black with blinking foreground 25 : Sets the current background to blue with blinking foreground 26 : Sets the current background to green with blinking foreground 27 : Sets the current background to cyan with blinking foreground 28 : Sets the current background to red with blinking foreground 29 : Sets the current background to magenta with blinking foreground 30 : Sets the current background to brown with blinking foreground 31 : Sets the current background to grey with blinking foreground
T1 : Sets current color to theme's color #1 T2 : Sets current color to theme's color #2 T3 : Sets current color to theme's color #3 T4 : Sets current color to theme's color #4 T5 : Sets current color to theme's color #5 T6 : Sets current color to theme's color #6 T7 : Sets current color to theme's color #7 T8 : Sets current color to theme's color #8 T9 : Sets current color to theme's color #9 T0 : Sets current color to theme's color #0
Text formatting codes are most often used within the prompts file to create aligned lists of data, for things such as the user list or who's online, etc. These codes, like many other display codes, set up the circumstances in which the display code after it are displayed
Note: ## should be replaced by the number noted in the description, and must always be two characters.
$C## - Centers the value of the next display code with a width of # $D#C - Duplicates character C # times $L# - Left pad the next display code with spaces to # characters $R# - Right pad the next display code with spaces to # characters $X#C - Duplicate character C until column ##
$c##C - Centers the value of the next display with a width of ## using
character C
$l##C - Left pad the next display code with character <C> to # characters
$r#C - Right pad the next display code with character <C> to ## chars
Examples (pay attention to the quotes):
|UN translates to........: "User Name"
|$R30|UN translates to...: "User Name " |$C30|UN translates to...: " User Name " |$L30|UN translates to...: " User Name" |15 |$D30- translates to.....: "------------------------------" |$X30- translates to.....: "------------------------------" |15 |UN|$X30. translates to..: "User Name....................." |$c30.|UN translates to...: ".........User Name..........." |$r30.|UN translates to..: "User Name....................." |$l30.|UN translates to..: ".....................User Name"
The difference between $D and $X is that D duplicates a set number of characters, while $X duplicates that character until a certain column is reached. If you use $X30- on column 10, it will create 20 characters so it is dependant on the current location of the cursor.
Note: ## should be replaced by the number noted in the description, and must always be two characters. For example, to move to column 1 on the current line you would send |[X01
[A## - Move the cursor up # lines
[B# - Move the cursor down # lines
[C# - Move the cursor forward (to the right) # columns
[D# - Move the cursor backwards (to the left) ## columns
[K - Clear from the current cursor position to the end of the line
[L - Move cursor and erase data backwards from current column to column #
[X# - Move cursor to X coordinate #
[Y# - Move cursor to Y coordinate ##
BS - Sends 1 destructive backspace sequence (ASCII 8-32-8)
CL - Clears the screen (ANSI 1,1 locate and [2J or ASCII 12)
CR - Send a carrage return and line feed (move to next line)
RA - Restore the saved text attribute color
RS - Restore the saved user's terminal screen
SA - Save the current text attribute color
SS - Save the entire user's terminal screen
Input field codes effect the next input field of its type, and are generally used in prompt strings that are send prior to asking the user for input.
-N - Forces the next Yes/No prompt to default to a No answer -Y - Forces the next Yes/No prompt to default to a Yes answer IF - Turns off the input field background color for the next input
IN## - Sets the scrolling input field size for the next input prompt to
## characters. If the maximum size of the input field is larger than this, Mystic will scroll the text inside so that it can accept more characters without taking up more than # on screen. IS# - Limits the actual maximum number of characters allow for an input prompt to ## characters.
Text Box codes are used to pop up a quick notification box, using the configured box type of the current theme for visuals.
In addition to just displaying a box, Mystic is able to use its remote screen imaging to save the space behind the box and restore it once the box is closed, depending on the type of code used. This prevents any corruption of the users screen regardless of what they are doing when they receive the notification.
User and BBS data MCI codes, along with pipe color codes can be used within these boxes.
The #B code opens a notification box with a <header> and <notification> string, following by an "OK" prompt for the user to press a key. After the user pressed a key, Mystic will automatically restore the user's original screen content that was overwritten by the box. Example: |BThis is a headerThis is a test notification box!#
This box is similar to the #B notification, except that it does not restore the user's screen content after displaying, and it does not wait for the user to press a key. One use for this might be during a new message scan "Scanning" prompt, for example. |BNew Message ScanScanning: |&1...#
A.8 Miscellaneous Unsorted Codes
AO - Used in display files to disable aborting of the display file
BE - Sends a ^G character to the terminal (beep code on some terms)
DE - Delay for half a second
PA - Send the pause prompt and wait for a key to be pressed
PB - Purge the current input buffer
PI - Display a pipe symbol (|)
PN - Wait for a key to be pressed without prompting
PO - Used in display files to disable pausing for that display file
QO - Replaced with a randomly generated Quote of the Day
RP## - Sets the internal screen pause line counter to ##
XX - Returns no value
DF<file>| - Send display file <file> Example: |DFmyansi|
DI## - Sets the baud rate of the current display file, using the
following scale:
00 - = No baud emulation 01 - 09 = 300 baud 10 - 19 = 1200 baud 20 - 29 = 2400 baud 30 - 39 = 4800 baud 40 - 49 = 9600 baud 50 - 59 = 19200 baud 60 - 69 = 28800 baud 70 - 79 = 38460 baud 80 - 89 = 57600 baud 90 - 99 = 115200 baud
Prompt Info codes are used within the prompts found in a theme's prompt file. The value of each prompt is dynamic, and changes depending on each specific prompt.
The prompt editor and the prompt file itself will have comments which show what each Prompt Info code's value means for that prompt. For an example, lets look at prompt #334:
334 Jump to which message? (1-|&2):
In this prompt, &1 is replaced by the current message number, and &2
is replaced by the total number of messages in the base. These values
are noted in the comments for that particular prompt in both the editor
and the prompt file.
Prompt Info codes currently range from &0-&9, and from &A-&E
Note: These codes are slowly being depreciated because they're annoying to use. The newer templates will have screen coordinates defined within a .INI-like text file.